Monday, November 07, 2005

Land of a Million dead Chickens (and ducks)

It's utterly amazing that I am still going to Vietnam after all thats happened with the bird flu epedemic. But hey a $4.89 ticket is a $4.89 ticket...

Well at least my family was supportive of the idea...(having give me some money for the trip) and some sound advice 'Don't eat chicken' NOW what more do I need? ahh yes more money I suppose...**

This being my 5th trip abroad (alone) I have honed my skills of being an 'ameture cheepo', advancing to the 'novice cheepo' status.

Do note that the 'grandmaster cheepo' status is reserved soley for singaporean uncles and aunties who queue up (and camp) the night before a grand-opening sale, or travel all the way into JB just to buy soft drinks (for the soft drink prices in singapore are unbelivable).

Anyways...yes I'm a 'novice cheepo' a sign of such is that I can say the phrase 'This is too expensive, can I have it cheaper" in Thai, Vietnamese, French, German and Swede...(you'll never know when you'll need it). So i'll be staying in the usual guesthouses and travelling by public transport, namely the bus and man it can get very cheap.

Yeah... A phrase book, a buide book, some money and a bible...I'm all set...

1 comment:

Tobiaslim said...

Well at least there aint a canine flu going about right? Hmm... dog's prob. the safest meat to be eating right now...