Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Something you guys didn't know...
Well... as like the past 4 years, I've spent my New Year's at home... Yup! (neither was I deployed for a New Year's duty) anyways whilst I was watching tv, the stroke of midnight rung and gone was 2005. Kids at the playground were screaming 'Happy New Year!' swinging on the swings *swinging on the swings..sounds wrong...but it's right* people were yelling from their balconies and I was trying to watch MTV but that didn't stop me from peeking out of the window to see all the excitement.

When I peered out I saw something which jolted my memories, and apparently this event happens every New Year's... The ships at sea will set off flares and blow their horns, the entire sight is magnificant .... So here are some pictures

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