Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Theraphy of Mutilating Vegetables
I've resolved to be a little positive in my outlook of life...Theres too much to love and too much to hate for me to expand my energies on simply gloating on the latter so Woo Hoo!

I've been preparing vegetables for the kitchen and its been wonderful, getting myself immersed in the joy of killing/mutilitating a living entity. There's something hypnotic about peeling off the skin that would have clung onto a sweet potato leaf stem, I feel peace at the thought of pulling off the umbilical cord (which is the stem) to a fetal chili padi. There is satisfication from knowing that all the kang kong has been plucked to a uniform length and that the garlic is now naked and is ready for crushing...

Oh the beauty that has been born from the sacrifices of an original form!

Oh and if you were wondering... The restaurant no longer has any vegetables for me to prepare

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