Well here's something you guys should know about me... I'm pretty naive. I'm also very clueless about the society we live in...
Ponder...ponder...ponderAsk yourself this simple question... What is the first thought that runs through your mind when this statement is made... 'At 21, no one is a virgin'
Some would say...'21? I thought it should be 18?'
Others...'21? Hhmmn I did
IT when I was in secondary 3'
A minority (sadly) would say...'Fur-jean? Hah? Fur-jean is what har? Aawww have sex har? Have sex then say have sex lah! What Fur-jean?
I would say...'What the hell? Shouldn't everyone only have sex after one gets married?
*Cheng, cheng, cheng* (dramatic sounds)
My view on things?I believe in the sacred institution of marriage and remaining chaste for your soulmate. Well as old fashioned as it may seem, remaining faithful to your future spouse may sound stupid to some but I know that it's alright...
Having mutiple partners or engaging in numerous sexual activites cheapens the intamacy value of sex, and thus would weaken the already fragile institution of marriage.
Strangely enough, the talk of not having pre-maritial sex has become an echo to the call for safe sex. Therefore the message now is no longer abstainence from sex but rather the control of sexually transmitted dieseases.
MTV GenerationThis is a message MTV likes to publicisise with it's 'use a condom' campagin... It's the glorification of a cause which I personally find not worth fighting for... from the advertisments it depicts students talking about their relationships and how 'If he loves me enough he will use it'...oh please kids... ..."If he really loves you he will marry you then you two can go about it like bunnies for all I care"
Remember to use your own yardstick!I had 3 christian friends who were having a conversation about pre-maritial sex (which they have all engaged in). 2 of them had broken up with their sex partners and had revelations about their past actions, they were guilty about it and had regrets. The third friend said 'yes, i've had sex with my girlfriend. But I know that I'm gonna marry her! Unlike you 2 sinners'... ... ... Duh!
How stupid can you be? Bloody fool!
*BTW this dude always claims that I'm self-righteous and that I always judge him...after being made to feel guilty for my actions, I have been taught that it was not I who judged him, but rather it was his guilt of being lacking in his own comparision to my moral standards that led him to believe that I was judging his actions...Hmmmn*
Oh Chinese values! Where art thou?Where are our chinese values? Our ancestors treasured their chasity for each other...hmmnn wait a minute... In the past if a couple was found to be sexually intimate before they were married, the couple would have been locked inside 'pig cages' and thrown into the sea and drowned...erm... where are our chinese values?
Eh so how now brown cow?I don't know... This is my blog and I can pretty much write about anything I want, so its up to you to reflect on the things I have given thought to...Remember its all up to you...I am not accountable for the way you live your life...But do remember that as much as it is your life...I (and many others who care about you) am involved in it as well...So what you do to yourself affects those who care for you... And you cannot stop people from caring...